
I’ve been drawn to something all my life.

It’s hard to express but it’s something like ‘what is the nature of reality?’

I investigated it through science, philosophy, religion, spirituality and self-help for 30 years.

I found hints in those but it never scratched the itch I feel inside.

I’ve always suffered inside. I’ve had worldly success, but I still suffer.

Ultimately, I’m drawn to think the key to discovering the nature of reality and also end my suffering – it’s the same:

to investigate my identity at the most foundational level:

Who am I? where do my thoughts, feelings and emotions come from?

I discovered that investigating that can lead to a shift in perception called:

Spiritual awakening, enlightenment, self-realization, non-duality.

It opens the doors to the true nature of reality and ends suffering.

That’s what I discuss on this site:

 my continuing endeavor of investigating the nature of reality and my identity.